2) Diarizing Methods
The King's appointments including gyeongyeon( 經筵 ), or
discussions with scholars on the Confucian and other Chinese
classics, meetings with court functionaries, administrative acts,
and affairs in the queen's inner palace were listed in the preface to
a monthly diary.
A king's reign title, a date name in accordance with
the sexagenary cycle, and a lunar date and month were recorded
all together in every day's dairy. The date by the solar calendar was
added form 1895.
The names of the royal secretaries and of the scribes
are recorded in every day's diary. Underneath the list are recorded
the names of daily deputy of ficials and their attendance or absence.
The details of the main text are written in the order of the daily tasks of
the Seungjeongwon, daily regards to the king and his queen, the king's
gyeongyeon, the Seungjeongwon's personnel affairs, reports from different ministries, and the king's commands.
Especially, as gyeongyeon took the role of a channel of communication through which the king could impart his
aims for education and his political opinions, they were recorded in detail, including the time and place, a list of
those in attendance, and the subjects of discussion.